Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Westlife, la vida del oeste?

Our first kiss happened on a "typical romantic" night out for dinner and then to watch "Ice age 3" in the cinema.

After some gorgeous red wine and a shared dessert in an Italian restaurant in “Calle Pizarro” we went to the closest cinema in Calle Orbegoso just 2 blocks away from each other near the Plaza de Armas. 

We didn't even care which movie we were going to watch or the time, or the seats or anything, I suppose we just wanted to change the scenery. Passing from being under the public eye, having people staring at us and hearing our conversation; my extremely poor English and his non-existent Spanish; we just went to one of the most ordinary places to have a date at; the cinema!

How romantic is that?

The next movie showing was like an hour and a half away but we didn't care at all! We didn't even care if people saw us in the streets holding hands, he didn't care when people called him gringo and we didn't care when we sang out loud in the foyer of the cinema.

Westlife is one of the bands I learned English with, apart from UB40. I learned purely from imitating the sound of the words and "reading" them on a karaoke program when I was about 10 or 11.

I did not know that Westlife was an Irish band as well as Baileys (my favourite drink) and MY OWN FIRST NAME!!! and many other things I loved without any explanation I don't even know where I know them from but there we were singing "MORE THAN WORDS" together in public, just looking at each other and enjoying every wonderful minute.
It was kind of way too much of a coincidence. Was it fate? We like to believe so :)

Where was my aim of keeping my privacy away from the public eye, I don't know. By that time I stopped caring about the people around and I kept singing. The only thing I knew is that I liked this guy a lot. 
And the way he has been making me feel since is another day's post ;)

Did Westlife bring us together? Did my name do so? Or just the fact that I worked on TV? Was it my eyes? Was it my braces? Or my spots? Was it because I was just 18? Or What?
I think it is very difficult to know what brings a couple together. What do you think?

Monday, November 29, 2010

Snowing knackers!

I am loving the snow and although it is getting a little bit dangerous and I can't feel my fingers and toes I am having a good time.

I have not play the snowballs wars yet but I did get attacked by a family of knackers...
I was walking from Graffton St. to Candem St. on saturday morning, which I regret doing now because I went from one of the nicest places in town to a horrible kind of nightclub full of weird people just because my bloody boyfriend and his friends were there supposedly giving a tour to an Argentinian rugby journalist who came to cover the match that ("Of course") Ireland .

The point is that I was in a veeeery bad mood. I was wearing very high heals and a dress. I wouldn't have had any problem going to that place if I was wearing the right clothes; to be part of the crow; white runners, jeans and a collar-up T-shirt.

On top of everything this mother with around 10 kids just started to trow snowballs at my girlfriend and I -deadly close-

I said: - "Are you serious? Are you for real? Don't do it! Stop!

They wouldn't stop doing it.
For gods sake!

That's all I attemped to say as I wasn't going to touch any snow with my hands...
As the truth is the most hurtful thing they got REALLY angry! Two of the boys followed us a few meters saying "What did you say? What did you say?" As he was making the snowball bigger and harder.
I felt sorry for the young fellaws because it isn't their fault to
Thanks god he didn't hit me but I will follow some friend's advice and not say anything next time or I might end up in the Dublin mountains or however is called xD

NOTE: If you are reading this and you consider yourself a knacker please understand that I am very angry and I have been wanting to say this since I came to Ireland because they really piss me off! But remember that you can always be a cool knacker :)

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

He is...

He is probably one of the sweetest things I have ever seen; blonde, skinny and a kind of elegant pose to walk; being very careful when crossing the road.
He looked so innocent and secure of himself at the same time, in fact he looked scared of the world outside.
He must be around 10 or 11, perhaps a short 13 year-old teenager. This little boy reminded me of my nephew as soon as I saw his blue eyes and lovely thick eyebrows.

The kid looked just like this one.

His phone rang; he put it to his ear and said nothing for a few seconds…
Then I got one of the biggest deceptions of my entire life… The little boy, who I stupidly believed was really cute and innocent, opened his mouth for nothing else but to swear, curse and say all those horrible swear words that I could barely understand in the most horrible Dublin accent I have ever heard, and I’ve heard lots!..
(Don’t get me wrong with this, I kind of like the Dubliners’ accent because I think it is really unique and colourful and I think I also have a touch of it =) ...but this boy’s accent was full of anger and aggression)

Maybe I should pay less attention to the people I see on the streets so I wouldn’t get so disappointed. Maybe everything is my fault for being so idealistic and always expecting the best of people. Maybe it’s because I saw my little nephew in him and I would never ever imagine my gorgeous nephew talking like that.
Maybe I shouldn’t have got lost in my thinking so I wouldn’t end up on the ground wondering how those words could have come from such a little cute innocent looking thing…

It’s the drunken fellow’s fault for showing me the ugly face of what I had to categorise as “knackers” in Dublin. They gave me the idea that only they look that bad:

To Be Continued…

Thursday, October 14, 2010

What am I going to write about?

As an international student living in Ireland I notice aspects of Irish culture that the Irish themselves take for granted. My life here is not one of the typical international student who tends to spend most of their time socialising with other international students and not really experiencing Irish culture to its fullest. Rather I am a long term resident with a normal life where I have been experiencing the Irish family life, Irish culture, the Irish personality, its pros and cons. My experiences of Irish culture have fascinated me and it is something I want to write about. As a result this blog will allow me to share my experiences of Irish culture from the inside.

I won’t be the first person blogging about Ireland and not the last but I think my point of view is different. I will be examining the reality of Irish life which will be different from the colourful picture of Ireland that has been created by the international community.

From my own experience and some friend’s points of view I am planning to tell and remark the realities of Ireland, the good and the bad and the differences between Ireland and my country, Peru. Covering not only the student life but outings, food, people’s behaviour, the culture and generally everyday life in Ireland, good and bad. The aim of this blog will be to share, inform and over all entertain the bloggers with my stories and also see what they have to say about the way they are being seen by foreign people who come to live in Ireland. It will highlight some interesting aspects of Irish society and at the same time help those who are not Irish with some interesting facts about Ireland.

About me, eu, io, mua, yo...

My name is Kathleen Augusto, from Peru. I am almost 20 years old and in spite of that I feel like I have been around a long time. My personal story is different from most and -I like to believe- interesting, so find it out yourself!

When I was 17 I was very happy to get a job as a TV presenter because it gave me the opportunity to do some really cool things and learn a lot about TV work and Journalism. It gave me the experience I needed to see the world differently.

I started college in 2009 and after one semester I got the opportunity to study Journalism in Europe and I obviously jumped at the chance. It was always a dream of mine to study and live in Europe and I choose Ireland because I wanted to study in an English speaking country which has a very good reputation for university courses.

I consider myself very lucky because not many Peruvian people have the opportunity to come to Europe under my circumstances. I love living in Ireland and I am very happy here and I amglad I made the decision to move to Ireland.

My blog will allow me to record my everyday life in Ireland.
I will record the highs and lows of living here, the good and the bad. I will also try to show the differences between living in Ireland and Peru because I think they are many.
I hope my blog will also help as well as entertain anybody who wants to move to Ireland or just follow me to have a bit of a laugh and why not to be aware of things that we might take for granted because we are so used to them

Trujillo al dia in youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wBltOGB7n6Q